Wednesday 26 November 2014

Out of Surgery!!

Hello, this is Amy! Alley is out of surgery! It went quite well. She needs an ecmo machine which helps filter the o2 in her blood ( basically acts like lungs) so that means that her recovery will be a bit longer. She may need this for 1-2 days up to 2 weeks. So while she is on it, they will keep her sedated to allow her body to recover and accept the new lungs as her own! The recovery will be a bit longer than " textbook" as her body is trying to fight the new lungs so they will give her body a chance to heal. The surgeon said that this is common at times.  Alley was quite sick in the few days leading to the surgery so this is why they tried hard to make these lungs work for her, and why there was such a long delay before her surgery.

Myself, David and Cindy made it here tonight, and beat the snow storm.

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes. It means so much to everyone to have your support.


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! next step accomplished! Go Allison! Brave girl.

Michelle Matta

Sue said...

thanks Amy...I think there was a collective out breath of air from the east coast this afternoon when everyone heard she had come through the surgery! Glad you guys made it up safely and now the TEAM ALLIE is all in place and set to go! Blessings on you all.