Thursday, 20 February 2014

Amy and Alley's Toronto adventures!

It has been another day of snotting but I am feeling a bit better in general I think. However, that may be because I haven't really done anything. So in deference of the week that may or may not have possibly led to all the snot, here are some of the exciting things Amy and I did during her trip to Toronto.

We looked at some fancy art that didn't allow photos.
We looked at some less fancy art that allowed photos.
As previously mentioned, we hung out at the CBC building.
And ate the most delicious sushi to be found in Toronto! (not at the CBC building)
Went to the theater. It was a story told through tango which sounds weird but totally worked.
We tried our hand at pottery.
I now have a greater appreciation for pottery and understand why it cost so much.
Success! Two bowls that were actually round and the sides did not fall apart! I pick them up in two weeks.
And we saw a mummy!

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