Wednesday, 30 March 2016

What do you want to know?

I'm feeling almost recovered from cycle 6. Enough that I'm starting to think about working on my transplant story during the next rainy day. I'm thinking about how to break up the story as it seems pretty heavy and dry at times that I thought some interesting essays or stories in between would help. It would also help my anxiety if I could write about something other than my transplant experience and panic attacks. We all need a break from all the talk about poop and blood.

However, I'm a bit stuck with what to write. I have a few ideas and a few 'essays' (aka old blog posts) that I think would work but I'm wondering if there is anything specific about the transplant process, living with CF, cancer, or diabetes (I have a lot of issues) that anyone has been wondering and would like answered? There are no wrong questions or topics. I'll talk about anything. I mean, you won't get the answer for awhile, and only if I ever actually finish this book, and you buy it, but let me know!

This still makes me laugh.


Unknown said...

I'd like to know the relationship between CF and diabetes? Maybe you've already answered and I've forgotten or missed it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Allison,
Why didn't you have 100% lung capacity after your transplant ?
Has it been steadily improving since your operation?
I apologize for asking if you have already explained this.
Wally from Winnipeg.