Friday, 25 March 2016

Home again!

Home again! It was a very short stay. I never got another fever so no antibiotics for me. Hurray! They gave me some blood, a prescription for stronger pain medication, and sent me on my way.

I'm not feeling 100% but I do have a bit more energy than before and it no longer hurts to swallow. My stomach is giving me some trouble but I have medication to help that too. I took one of the pain meds last night before bed and ended up having the most vivid dreams. Some were better than others. I woke up screaming at Isaiah at one point so I will not be taking them on a regular basis. But it did help with the pain and I did manage to sleep so I guess it was worth it on my end. Isaiah may disagree.

Now to rest and strengthen up before cycle #7.


Dave said...

On your last couple of posts I'm seeing black text superimposed over your blog text. Today it's a couple of paragraphs about the "spoon" thing. Is anyone else getting this?

Dave said...

I'm glad this cycle didn't give you the fever thing. I guess it didn't give you sweet dreams either. Hang in there.

Allison said...

I think I fixed it...? I have no idea what happened. Let me know if it happens again!

Nadine B said...

Glad you are home, Alley, and wishing you and Isaiah a Happy Easter. Hopefully your stomach is better so you can enjoy some delicious dark Chocolate!