Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Back at the VG

Well, the plan of 'come to Halifax for bloodwork and observation to avoid being admitted' didn't work. It lasted one day. I'm back in the hospital.

Everything went smoothly on Monday, I had bloodwork done at home and then we raced up before it started to snow for my afternoon appointment. I got fluids and was sent on my way.

Monday night, I started getting bone pain in my legs and face. Tylenol helped a bit but it doesn't do the job 100% so I spent most of the night tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable but feeling worse and worse. I thought that since I was up and drinking lots of water than I wouldn't get a temperature. Silly me. I managed to crash out for an hour and then woke up at 8am with the chills. 

So, off we went to the emergency department in the snow which was thankfully dead. I didn't have to flash my cancer card around to jump to the front of the line. Yes, there is an actual cancer card. It's yellow. They took blood and then started me on saline fluids and antibiotics.

I'm now admitted back at the VG until my white counts come back up.

I'm feeling better today than yesterday. I was a bit of a mess yesterday but the nausea, lightheadedness, and a lot of the pain seems to be going away. I'm sure all the fluid I've been given along with the unit of blood I got last night has helped.

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