Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Diabetes survey

You may remember a few weeks ago I mentioned that I agreed to be part of a study looking at CF-related diabetes and exercise. Today, I got the call about it and it is not going to take too much of my time. In fact, the women did the 10 minute survey with me and is going to mail me the second part about my diabetes treatment for me to fill out. I'm not sure how much help I'm going to be to their study as I don't treat my diabetes and rarely check my sugars (before you freak out at me for not treating my diabetes, my blood sugars are in the normal range. They were high when I did a glucose tolerance test so they officially diagnosed me with diabetes but insulin didn't work very well if you remember from last June.).

Either way, I guess I did my small part for looking at the relationship between exercise and diabetes. I would expect the outcome would be that regular exercise helps regulate blood sugars although since they only asked me about a week of activity, I can't imagine that their results will prove very much. I was secretly hoping that I was going to get a 20$ Starbucks gift card for my time but the women who called didn't seem ready to offer me one. Maybe that only happens if you are being given trial medication. Boo!

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