Sunday, 28 July 2013

Stupid Pinterst

Projects on Pinterst never turn out how they are advertised. This time I tried the herring-bone canvas print that I thought looked cool. And it does still look pretty cool as long as you don't look too closely. This was also a lesson for me on learning when to stop tinkering with the project. I taped everything out which took forever then had a lot of fun painting the actual canvas. However, I used watercolours which I found out when I took the tape off, leaked underneath the masking tape. So when I took the tape off the white sections were not as white as I had hoped. I should have just left it as is but the perfectionist in me wanted the white section to be perfectly white. So I dug out my acrylic paint and tried to cover up spots. I was not very successful. It looks messy close-up but from further away it isn't as noticeable. I think I'll hang it over the stairs where it will be impossible for someone to look at it closely.

Looks better from a distance and when the picture is blurry

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it looks neat!!