Sunday 6 January 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!

It's the time where everyone reflects on their past year and thinks about plans for the next year. I had made some goals for last year, most of which I failed to complete.

I had set a goal to improve my handwriting and I had some success in that. I got out many books from the library on calligraphy and did all the practice sheets. I made some success and made some pretty cards. However, writing like that is so slow so I don't do it very often.

My physical goals went okay, I did yoga frequently. The yoga with Adrienne Youtube channel put out monthly schedules which really helped my motivation. I didn't cycle 500km this summer, I found it much too hot in July and August to go out very long but I did get in over 300 km (mostly all in June).

I also didn't get my 50 days of hiking in, I was 9 days short. However, I did some very long overnight hikes which I think made up for the fact that I didn't do a lot of shorter hikes. It's hard to know when setting a goal in January what the summer will be like.

I've set some goals this year as well. I would like to finish a fiction manuscript, I haven't had much practice writing fiction so it's a bit of a stretch for me but I would like to try. I have so many ideas and figure it's better to put them on paper rather than to continue to think about it. At least I can say I tried.

Physically, I'm sticking with my daily yoga and a  goal of 500km of cycling in the summer, hopefully it will be a bit cooler to be outside.

I've also started a "temperature quilt" where I sew a certain colour square depending on the temperature outside. I have a range of colours depending on the temperature and I hope by the end of the year I'll have a fun spiral rainbow quilt. Some people do it by crocheting a row of a blanket each day but I'm trying to limit buying new crafting supplies and I have a lot of fabric. We'll see how it goes.

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engelcoolers said...
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