Sunday, 6 November 2016

Weekly round up

Well, my 'one day a week' job at the library has somehow turned into three days for the past two weeks. I guess they wanted to make sure I was fully trained but it means it's been a super busy week.

My bone density scan on Tuesday was done in under 10 minutes. I'm really glad we drove up a few days early because it would have been annoying to drive 4 hours in one day for a 10 minute scan. I always find the questionnaire before the scan to be hilarious because it's clearly meant for an older population. I guess it's not as common to have younger people with frail bones.

Case in point:
Ummm, no I haven't broken any bones since the age of 40...
The other thing I did this week, besides work, was sell cards and mittens at the Springhill craft fair. And....I sold zero cards. Zero. However, Mom had made a bunch of the wool sweater mittens and people seemed to love those. So I guess it wasn't a total waste of time. But Christmas cards were not a thing people want. Maybe people in Springhill don't send cards? Or maybe people prefer Hallmark? I don't know. Maybe I was just at the wrong market. I didn't think I would sell them all but I thought I would at least sell a few. A failed experiment. I guess now I have cards made for the next few Christmases.
My table!

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