Sunday, 24 July 2016

Cooking: FIsh Tacos!

I haven't been cooking anything new lately. As it's been too hot to turn on the over this past week and with Isaiah gone, I've mostly been BBQing chicken or fish to go with a large salad. However, Friday I went grocery shopping and a fish taco kit was on sale and 50% off so I couldn't just leave it there.

I don't normally buy kits because I find I can make spice mixes that are just as good (or better) but this one was quite delicious so I thought I would share even though this feels like cheating.

I used half mayo and half sour cream with the sauce mix and topped it with lettuce from the garden, tomatoes, and mango. And then I had a big salad on the side. Yum!

Does not include the fish.
Battered and BBQed fish through a foggy lens for some reason.
Mostly just a plate of veggies.

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