Friday, 20 May 2016

Cooking: Quinoa Stuffed Peppers

I made a fantastic supper tonight. Stuffed peppers. Yum!

This morning I cooked up some quinoa in broth and while that was boiling, fried up a carrot, garlic, and onion. I threw in some leftover cooked chicken and when the quinoa was done, mixed it all together with some of David's tomato sauce, salt, pepper, basil, and cumin. Then I stuffed it into the peppers. I was just going to do two but then I made too much filling and ended up with three.

I wrapped the peppers in foil and put them in the fridge for the day. This evening I threw them on the BBQ for 15 min (rotating every 5 min or so) in the foil. I took them out of the foil for the last few min just to get a pretty char on the sides. This worked best for the pepper that was cut lenghtwise, the ones that were stuffed from the top threatened to spill the filling out when I turned them on the side so that didn't last very long. I mostly just charred the bottom of those. I would recommend cutting lenghtwise for the BBQ for a more even cook. I think cutting from the top would work well if you're going to bake them.
It's so pretty.

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