Monday, 21 December 2015

Happy Holidays!

Happy Winter Solstice! I know technically it's tomorrow so I guess, Happy Last Day of Fall!

I've actually had a relaxing few days at home, I feel much more settled, less panicked over something going wrong at any moment, and a bit more caught up on sleep.

We're back to Halifax tonight as my second round of chemo treatment starts at 9am tomorrow. I should be able to get in, get the medication, and get out in a fairly reasonable time. As I had no reaction to the last treatment, they'll be able to pump the medication into my body a bit faster than the first time.

We're also hoping to check out the Sunshine room, I'll be allowed in now as an outpatient so maybe I can get a few headscarves or ties that don't scream too much 'cancer patient.' I have a lot of toques here at home which is great but they're mostly wool which I think is going to become itchy once I loose the tiny amount of hair I have left. I was also told that the chemo meds make the head super sensitive so wool hats may not be the way to go.

After tomorrow, if all goes well, we're planning on heading to NB for the Christmas holiday to relax with family and have other people feed us for awhile.

So after today I'll be on Christmas break from the blog, probably until the new year or unless something super exciting happens.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, relaxing rest of 2015 and fantastic start to 2016!

Happy Holidays from mouse ornament!

1 comment:

Dave VanSlyke said...

Enjoy your holidays, Alley! Eat lots of turkey and veggies and pie and stuff(ing).