Friday 26 June 2015

Goodbye Toronto!

And we're off! Goodbye Toronto! We're taking a few days to get home so I'll update when I get back to the Maritimes.

An ode to Toronto:

While Toronto is mocked all over Canada,
It does have two adorable panda(s)
Hanging out at the massive zoo,
And there is never a shortage of things to do.
With theaters, street festivals, and restaurants galore,
Museums, movies, and neighborhoods to explore. 
Or how about a sport like soccer, basketball, or a baseball game
Although the closest you can get to hockey is the hall of fame.
Unless you happen to be rolling in the dough
Or have a recent increase of cash flow.
While the smog and traffic can mess with your head,
Thankfully you can't hear or it while in bed.
Toronto, you were a good surrogate home,
But now it's time for us to roam.
Back to the sea to get some fresh air,
Fare Thee well and take care.

...See you in August!

Nighttime Toronto.
Where all the cool Torontonians hang out. Except for that one Wed night when it was just me.
View of the lake from our terrace.
Toronto from the Islands!


Faith said...

*finger snaps*

LittleM said...

you are the cutest. thanks for being such an inspiration!

Dave VanSlyke said...

And so another chapter ends and you turn another page. Safe travels back to the coast - all the best to you and Isaiah.