Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Hospital update

I have a bed! I didn't even have to wait in emerg. They actually found me a bed on the respirology wing which is fantastic. I love it when the nurses know what their doing.
It's a private corner room at the end of a hall, hopefully that means I won't have to listen to nurses on shift change.

No IV yet but I just saw the Dr and she is getting all the meds lined up. She is also putting in a order for a PICC line which is fantastic.

There is wifi here and I'll be getting Isaiah to bring me my computer tomorrow so I'll be able to keep everyone in the loop.

1 comment:

Dave VanSlyke said...

You are in good hands. I have faith that the St. Mike's health care professionals and their TLC will have you feeling better soon. Hang in there!