Sunday, 30 July 2017


I went for lung function test last week and....I got a 80%!! My highest yet! I was pretty excited afterward. Of course it was one time and I didn't repeat it but who cares, I got there once. How is this possible that it keeps going up? Not that I'm complaining but I am pleasantly confused.

I was told my numbers would be stable after the first year but I guess with the cancer out of my system, my body is still healing itself. Sometimes I forget that the healing process can be so long. Plus all the hiking and jogging is probably helping to strengthen my lungs. 

The other news is that the team in Toronto would like to see me for my 3 year assessment in November. This was up for debate because the NS government has decided that it no longer wants to fund stable post-transplant people going to Toronto for their yearly assessment. However, it has been decided that although I'm "doing well," the team would still like to see me this year. Fair enough. No complaints from me as long as they keep their promise that I will not need a bronch!


Unknown said...


Dave said...

So glad to hear this!